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This is my current version which I want to update to But after the update I have to enter my product key. That's really interesting: That's not the correct "build number" for the latest version. That's a build number for PSE That makes me think you are still starting PSEusing the same old icon adobe photoshop Г©lГ©ments 2021 - adobe photoshop Г©lГ©ments 2021 had been using before.

That's a guess, but it's pretty good guess I was not able to update my Your ScreenShot looks also a bit strange because it seems you have the latest build but still I'm not aware of a version I jsut look at the build numbers Phtoshop CC is at version I think this might be a bit misleading, and perhaps is what you are calling " From the screenshots, it looks like you основываясь на этих данных still on Could you share a screenshot of where you are asked to enter the serial key?

Serail keys are only asked during launch of photkshop and never during an update or before you update. Adob it is asked on every launch of application, if you are using the application in trial version. Adobe Photoshop Elements Version: Unfortunately I cannot reproduce the next bahavior because the last time I selected to use the trial version which seems to be persistent now because I have to use it.

But I remember when I started PSE after the update it asked me to login, which I did, and after that it asked me to enter the product key, which I do not have currently and I do not understand why I need the key for the update which you confirmed already it is not needed for such an update. Give this a try.

I found this in a chate from 5 years ago You can simply run the log collector tool, it adobd collect all Adobe related logs from your machines. Adobe Support Community. Turn on suggestions. Auto-suggest helps you 201 narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. Showing results for. Show only Search instead for. Did you mean:. Photoshop Elements I have a vailid and running PSE version After update to I cannot find it at the moment. Download and /27923.txtProblem or error.

Follow Report. Community guidelines. Be kind and respectful, give credit to the original source of content, and search for duplicates before posting. Learn more. Explorer adobe photoshop Г©lГ©ments 2021 - adobe photoshop Г©lГ©ments 2021, Feb 15, Feb 15, I bought another license and Г©oГ©ments it works. The previous photoshoop was an official license as well but did not work. Adobe was not able to solve it.

Jump to latest reply. Current version: Adobe Photoshop Elements Version: Glenn In Response To Glenn Really strange That's the reason why I am still using my The 19 in front says it is Let me come back to my initial question: I have a vailid and running PSE version Currently I have to use the test version. In the installer window it is called Vipin Gupta. Dear User, From the screenshots, adobe photoshop Г©lГ©ments 2021 - adobe photoshop Г©lГ©ments 2021 looks like you are still on Thanks Vipin.

In Response To Vipin Gupta. Hello, here are the steps startin at my initial version which I bought in November Current and bought version: System information: Adobe Photoshop Elements Version: Any idea what is wrong with my installation or update? These three windows popped up after I updated it:. Could you please collect logs using the log collector tool and share it with me.

In ГlГ©ments To VipinGupta. Hello Vipin, when shall I use the log collector? With the inital version, during the update process, after with the new version,? Please note I do not use a cloud license, Adobe photoshop Г©lГ©ments 2021 - adobe photoshop Г©lГ©ments 2021 have a Perpetual.

Photooshop sure if the cloud log colectore helps in that case. Thanks Stefan. You do not have to perform any operation while collecting the download adobe photoshop cs5 full crack. This will help us investigate the problem, on what went wrong.

Regards Vipin. Hello Vipin, I uploaded two log files right now as requested in the tool - one with the initial adobe photoshop Г©lГ©ments 2021 - adobe photoshop Г©lГ©ments 2021 - another after the update to I don't know how your specialits can assign the logfile I uploaded to this request. Hello Vipin, any updates on this?

Post Reply. Preview Exit Preview. You must be signed in to add attachments. Get Started. Photoshop Elements - User Guide. Elements Organizer - User Guide. Photoshop Elements - Tutorials. Activating Elements. /21846.txt Photoshop Elements.

Installation Errors. Catalina Compatibility Issues. Color Management for Best Prints. Do I Qualify Free Upgrade. What's new is Elements All rights reserved.



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